Friday, October 5, 2012

Abortion & Obamacare

Why is it that the people who support abortion are also the ones who support the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA, Obamacare)?

Let's look at the reasoning.

The argument in favor of abortion is: the government should not interfere with a woman's right to control her own body.

"Keep your laws of my body."

An argument against ACA is: the the government should not interfere with anyone's decisions about their own bodies.

How can the left be in favor of one thing because of "women's rights" and then support a law that does nothing if not interfere with the medical decisions of a person, including "women's rights"?

Arguments that make consistent sense:

Abortion should be legal and ACA is bad because a person should have the right to do with their body what they like, without interference from the government.

Abortion should be illegal and ACA is bad because a person should have the right to do with their body what they like, without interference from the government.  And killing [potential] people is wrong.

Abortion should be illegal and ACA is good becasue the government knows what is best for us, and we should do what people more knowledgeable about the subject say.

Why did the left take the one option that does not make consistent, logical sense?

Abortion should be legal and ACA is good because a person should have the right to do with their body what they like, without interference from the government, but only in regards to certain issues.


The left has a history of positions that are not logically consistent.  And the right does as well. (See: small government interference domestically and lots of government interference internationally.)

I suspect that this lack of consistency on the part of the left comes from their view of people.

Their positions on these issues makes sense if you view a person as a drag.  A person is someone who needs school, medical care, a job, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc...  All of this, according to the left, must be provided by the government.  The left complains that the earth has become overpopulated and we are destroying the environment because too many people have wants and needs.

This view causes the left's positions to make sense, but what an awful worldview.  Imagine thinking of every person as just a waste of resources!

When I debate the left at the Huffington Post ACA comes up occasionally.  Why do you suppose that I've only once gotten any sort of response to a comment that I often leave when discussing ACA?

"Keep your laws off my body."

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